2 . Hardware applications
Model Number OUTPUT Input
PCI-P8R8 / PCI-P16R16 Relay Output Optical isolation
PCI-P16C16 Transistor Output
(Open collector)
Optical isolation
PCI-P16POR16 PhotoMos Relay Output Optical isolation

2.1 Relay Output

For PCI-P8R8 / PCI-P16R16 Only

Whenever data is written data to the output control register, the relays will
switch to NC or NO as specified by the control code. A1in the control
register will energize the corresponding relay. The relay will switch from COM to
NO (normally open ). A 0 in the control register will turn off the
corresponding relay and the relay will be switch from COM to NC (normally
closed). The control register powers-on in NC mode. A hardware reset signal or
programmable reset signal will also turn the relay to NC!!
The following figures show how to use the relay.
Basic Circuitry: (Current Rating < 0.3 A):
Figure 2-1. Basic Relay Circuit.
Power Supply
Relay Contact
PCI-P8R8/P16R16/P16C16/P16POR16 User’s Manual (Ver.2.2, 2005/5/5) …15