Initializes the device driver (napwnt.sys for Windows NT/2000XP,
nappci.vxd for Windows 95/98). It is necessary to call on the function the
first time you use this program.
Syntax: WORD PCI_Driverlinit(WORD*wTolalBoard)
Input Parameters:
*wTotalBoard: address of wTotalBoard
When wTotalBoard = 1: either P16R16 or P8R8 in PC.
When wTotalBoard = 2: possibility of combination →
One P16R16 and one P8R8 in PC.
Two P16R16 boards in PC.
Two P8R8 boards in PC.
Return Value:
NoError: OK
NotFoundBoard: can’t detect the existence of P16R16/P8R8
DriverCallError: can’t open the NAPPCI.VXD in Windows 95/98.
Can’t open the NAPWNT.SYS in Windows NT/2000/XP.
DriverHandleError: return handle is wrong when open device driver.
PCI-P8R8/P16R16/P16C16/P16POR16 User’s Manual (Ver.2.2, 2005/5/5) …37