



Wyœwietlacz potrzebny jest w celu programowania maszyny i dostarcza wielu informacji.

W sekcji A wyœwietlany jest czas trwania dostêpnych programów oraz - w przypadku uruchomionego cyklu - czas pozosta³y do jego zakoñczenia; jeœli zosta³ ustawiony URUCHOMIENIE OPÓ•NIONE, zostanie wyœwietlony czas brakuj¹cy do w³¹czenia wybranego programu. Ponadto, po naciœniêciu odpowiedniego przycisku, maszyna automatycznie wyswietla temperature i przewidziane maksymalne wartosci dla ustawionego programu lub ostatnie wartosci, jesli sa zgodne z wybranym programem.

W sekcji B wyœwietlane s¹ „fazy prania” przewidziane dla wybranego cyklu oraz, jeœli program jest uruchomiony, aktualna „faza prania”:



Wirowanie Wydalanie wody

W sekcji C umieszczone s¹, w kolejnoœci od góry do do³u, ikony odnosz¹ce siê do „temperatury” , do „Zaprogramowanego startu” i do „wirowania” :

Podœwietlony symbol

sygnalizuje, ¿e na wyœwietlaczu wskazana jest ustawiona wartoœæ „temperatury”.

Podœwietlony symbol

sygnalizuje, ¿e zosta³ ustawiony „URUCHOMIENIE OPÓ•NIONE”.

Podœwietlony symbol

sygnalizuje, ¿e na wyœwietlaczu wskazana jest ustawiona wartoœæ „wirowania”.

Symbol zablokowanych drzwiczek

Wlaczony symbol sygnalizuje, ze drzwiczki sa zablokowane. Aby uniknac uszkodzenia pralki, przed przystapieniem do otwierania drzwiczek pralki nalezy odczekac, az ten symbol zgasnie.

W celu otwarcia drzwiczek w trakcie wykonywania cyklu nale¿y nacisn¹æ przycisk START/PAUZA; jeœli symbol ZABLOKOWANYCH DRZWICZEK jest wy³¹czony mo¿liwe bêdzie otwarcie drzwiczek.


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Indesit IWE 7125 manual Wyœwietlacz

IWE 7125 specifications

The Indesit IWE 7125 is a washing machine designed to cater to the needs of modern households, blending efficiency, functionality, and ease of use. This appliance stands out with its user-friendly features and robust build quality, making it a popular choice among consumers seeking reliable laundry solutions.

One of the main features of the Indesit IWE 7125 is its impressive 7 kg capacity. This allows users to wash ample amounts of laundry in a single load, making it ideal for families or those who frequently handle large loads. The machine operates at a maximum spin speed of 1200 RPM, effectively extracting water from clothes, which in turn reduces drying time and energy consumption when clothes are transferred to a dryer or hung to dry.

The IWE 7125 is equipped with an array of washing programs designed to accommodate various fabric types and levels of soiling. Users can choose from numerous cycles, including quick wash options, specifically targeting lightly soiled clothes, and eco-friendly settings designed to minimize water and energy usage. The machine’s special programs include modes for delicate fabrics, cotton, and synthetics, ensuring that garments are treated with appropriate care.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of the Indesit IWE 7125. It boasts an energy rating of A+, which reflects its commitment to reducing energy consumption while delivering exceptional washing performance. This not only helps reduce utility bills but also aligns with eco-friendly practices that many consumers prioritize today.

In terms of control, the Indesit IWE 7125 features a straightforward dial and button interface, allowing for easy selection of programs and settings. The intuitive design helps users quickly navigate through options, making it accessible for people of all ages.

Safety and reliability are also integral aspects of the IWE 7125. It incorporates features such as a child lock to prevent accidental operation during wash cycles, as well as a delay timer that allows users to schedule washes at their convenience.

Overall, the Indesit IWE 7125 is a commendable washing machine that combines functional design with effective laundry technologies. Its combination of capacity, energy efficiency, and versatile washing programs make it an excellent choice for those seeking a dependable appliance that simplifies the laundry process.