Technical data
Model PWE 8168
Dimensions width 59.5 cm
height 85 cm
depth 62 cm
Capacity from 1 to 8 kg
connections please refer to the technical data
plate fixed to the machine
Water connections maximum press ure 1 MP a (10 bar)
minimum press ure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)
drum capacity 62 litre s
Spin speed up to 1600 rotations per minute
Energy rated
according to
EN 60456
programme 1; t emperature 60 °C;
using a load of 8 kg.
This appliance conforms to the
following EC Directives:
- 89/336/EEC dated 03/05/89
(Electromagnetic Compatibility) an d
subsequent modifications
- 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage)
- 2002/96/EC