
Daniel Kumin


Classia Series home theater speaker system

up of CD and DVD cases, remote controls, and coffee cups into teetering towers of terror. What were they thinking?


Run five speaker wires, and you’re done with setting up the main channels. The PSW310W wireless subwoofer sports a little Wi-Fi-style stubby on its rear panel, and its deck-of-cards-sized transmitter has a stub of its own. The transmitter, which accepts a single signal cable from a receiver or preamp’s subwoofer output, found the sub immediately. And once I switched the transmitting channel a cou- ple of times, I experienced no interference on the audio system — or on my studio’s Wi-Fi or cordless-phone systems.


I ran the C336s by themselves in stereo for starters, and I was quickly convinced of their full-range abilities. But I was less happy with their tonal balance where I initially placed them — close against the front wall and flanking my 52-inch Sam- sung TV. They sounded progressively bet- ter the further I moved them away from the wall; I ultimately wound up with

The bar for Infinity’s speaker designs stands pretty high, for a couple of reasons. First, there’s tradition. Infinity’s history encom-

passes the imposing Servo-Static and Ref- erence Standard Beta and Gamma models from Back When Giants Roamed the Earth (the 1970s and ’80s — high-end audio’s glory days). These were among the most sophisticated, capable, and expensive speakers then made. Second, there’s affili- ation. As one of the Harman International family of companies, Infinity has at its dis- posal some of the very best technical and human resources in the world.

Given all that, I was eager to put Infini- ty’s new Classia Series to the test. The sys- tem that the company sent me included the C336 front left/right towers, a CC225 center-channel speaker, and a pair of C255ES surrounds — Janus-headed dual- two-way models that can be set for dipole, bipole, or monopole operation by means of a behind-the-grille switch. Rounding out the suite under test was Infinity’s new PSW310W subwoofer, a 10-inch design with the nifty feature of a wireless con-

nection (although you still have to plug it into the wall to make it go “boom”).

The Classias (Classiæ?) bear an obvious family resemblance to Infinity’s still-cur- rent Gumby-browed, flat-panel-drivered Cascade Series (reviewed in September 2006 and available on the S&V Web site). But the newer models are larger, being an inch or two wider and deeper, and sev- eral inches taller. They use conventional, round dynamic drivers, although with Infinity’s usual high-tech seasonings — in this case, a laminated, metal/ceramic “CMMD” composite for both tweeter and woofer diaphragms, and a newly devised tweeter waveguide (a tiny horn, sorta) that’s said to raise sensitivity for improved dynamic headroom and sim- plified crossover design.

Whatever its high-tech credentials, the Classia suite certainly looks, well, classy. These are strikingly handsome speakers with an assertively contemporary design. Infinity supplied the full system in gloss piano-black lacquer (real cherry veneer is also available). But the C336s’ sharply raked tops precluded my habitual piling

nearly 4 feet between the wall’s surface and the speakers’ front baffles.

The C336s have a neutral sound, with

The Short Form


This system’s eye-catching+appearance promises — and delivers — precise performance, and it has a wireless sub to boot


:: Controlled, detailed, transparentsound

:: Very good dipole/bipole/monopole surrounds

:: Wireless sub delivers the low-end goods


:: Need to move speakers well out from PHOTO wall for best balance

:: Low sensitivity requires lots of amp power BYTONY

Price $4,094 (as tested)CORDOZA



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Infinity C336 manual Short Form, Setup, Music & Movie Performance