
Selecting scene angles for a DVD

To change scene angles:

While in Play mode, repeatedly press ANGLE to switch angles. (Your DVD must support multiple angles.)

Selecting a DVD title menu

DVD discs with more than one movie, background data, and/or songs are given the name TITLE, while more sections are displayed under each TITLE, called Chapters. Chapters can contain Songs.

To select a DVD title menu:

1While playing DVD discs, press the TITLE button. The TITLE menu appears on the TV screen. (Available for DVDs that contain more than one title menu.)

2Press the direction buttons to move the cursor to the desired title menu, then press the ENTER button to play it. If the title menu is represented by numbers, then press the number buttons to select it directly.

Playing an MP3 disc

To play an MP3 disc:

1Press Eject on the panel or remote control to open the tray, insert an MP3 disc, then press EJECT again to close the tray.

The system reads the disc, then the TV displays the following figure:


Contents area

2Press the direction keys to move the cursor to a directory, then press ENTER to enter the directory.

3Press the direction buttons to enter the subdirectory or the file area, select a song with the cursor, then press the ENTER button to play the song.

To select other songs under the current directory during playback, press the << or >> buttons.
