NS-CLBT01-B/NS-CLBT01-W Digital Clock Radio with Bluetooth
3Press or to manually select a radio frequency.
Press and hold or to automatically tune to the next lower or
higher radio station.
4Press or to increase or decrease the volume. While you are
adjusting the volume, the “Volume” icon lights and th e current volume
level number appears in the middle of the LCD.
5To turn off your radio, press and hold Source for two seconds.
OFF appears on the LCD for three seconds, then your radio turns off.
Programming a radio station preset
A radio station preset lets you assign a preset number to a radio station to
make it easier to tune to a station. You can program 10 presets.
To program a radio station preset:
1Tune to the radio station you want to program, then press and hold
Preset for two seconds. The “Preset” icon lights and the n ext
available preset number (P-01 through P-10) appears in the middle of
the LCD. When you exit programming mode, these indicators
2If you want to use a different preset number, press or rep eatedly
until the number you want appears on the LCD.
3Within 10 seconds, press Preset again to save your station preset.
If you do not press Preset within 10 seconds, your radio exits
preset mode and your station preset is not saved.
Tuning to a preset radio station
After you program radio station presets, you can quickly tune to a preset
To tune to a preset radio station:
Quickly press and release Preset one or more times until the
“Preset” and preset number (P-01 through P-10) for the station you
want appears on the LCD. Your radio tunes to the station.
Adjusting the LCD brightness
When you adjust the LCD brightness, your radio retains the setting and
uses this setting the next time you turn on your radio.
To adjust the LCD brightness:
1Quickly press (SNOOZER/DIMMER) repeatedly to select a
brightness level. You can select High, Middle, or Low.