Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 29
Function Summary by Category
returns the physical address of board
returns the duration of shorter silence detected during call progress analysis
returns the duration of non-silence detected during call progress analysis
returns the current state of the device
returns the reason for last I/O function termination in a bitmap
returns the tone ID (used in global tone detection)
returns the last record or play transfer count
1.23 Voice Function Support by PlatformTable 1 provides an alphabetical listing of voice API functions. The table indicates which platforms
(DM3 or Springware) are supported for each of the functions.
DM3 boards refers to products based on the Intel® DM3 mediastream architecture. Typically DM3
board names have the prefix “DM,” such as Intel® NetStructure™ DM/V2400A-PCI. Springware
boards refer to boards based on earlier-generation architecture. Typically Springware board names
have the prefix “D,” such as Intel® Dialogic® D/240JCT-T1.
Although a function may be supported on both DM3 and Springware boards, there may be some
restrictions on its use. For example, some parameters or parameter values may not be supported.
For details, see the function reference descriptions in Chapter 2, “Function Information”.
Table 1. Voice Function Support by Platform
Function DM3 Springware
ag_getctinfo( ) NS S
ag_getxmitslot( ) NS S
ag_listen( ) NS S
ag_unlisten( ) NS S
ai_close( ) SNS
ai_getxmitslot( ) SNS
NS = Not supported
S = Supported
* = Variances between platforms; refer to the function reference for more information.
† = Asynchronous and synchronous mode supported (all other functions support synchronous mode only)
‡ = On DM3, call progress analysis is available directly through dx_dial( ).