Voice API for Linux Demo Guide — June 2005 5
About This PublicationThe following topics provide information about the Voice API for Linux Demo Guide:
•Intended Audience
•How to Use This Publication
•Related Information
This publication describes the voice demonstration programs and provides instructions for running
the demos on the Linux* operating system.
This document version (05-2342-002) is published for Intel® Dialogic® System Release 6.1 for
This document may also be applicable to later Intel Dialogic system releases on Linux. Check the
Release Guide for your software release to determine whether this document is supported.
Intended Audience
This publication is written for users of the voice demonstration programs which may include the
•System Integrators
•Toolkit Developers
•Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)
•Value Added Resellers (VARs)
•Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
•End Users