As a server administrator, you can configure these services even if your current
login account doesn't permit you to use them. For example, your current login
account may not grant you access to send and receive mail on the appliance. But
as a server administrator, you can still configure the mail service options by
clicking Mail in the left menu.
To configure Web service
1. In the left menu, click Web:
To restart the Administrator Web service, click Restart next to
Administrator Web.
To restart Web service for the domain, click Restart next to Web.
To stop Web service for the domain, click Stop next to Web.
To start Web service for the domain, click Start next to Web.
To configure mail service
Default mail settings
The Sendmail mail service is turned on by default for the 1301 appliance.
However, the mail service default setting is off for both the 1305 and 1320
versions of the appliance.
1. In the left menu, click Mail:
To restart mail service for the domain, click Restart next to Mail.
To stop mail service for the domain, click Stop next to Mail.
To start mail service for the domain, click Start next to Mail.
2. Configure mail service settings as shown in the following table, then click
Option Description
Smart relay hostname The domain name of a smart host site for all outgoing
mail (example: smarthostxyz.com). Instead of
maintaining information about every user at this site on
each host, you can maintain this information on one
central host (the smart host). Any mail addressed to
users that the local appliance doesn't recognize is
directed to the smart host.
Reject e-mail from
unresolved hosts
When selected, this option checks the From field of an
incoming message. If this option has a hostname that
does not resolve to a valid IP address, the e-mail is