Installed software
The following table lists the pre-installed software and versions that ship with the
storefront appliance:
Software Description
OS Linux* kernel
Linux distribution based on Red Hat Linux* distribution 6.2
Web server Apache 1.3.12
Mail server Sendmail* 8.11
Intershop 4 Hosting and Merchant software
Payment cartridges Cybersource* and Verisign* cartridges
Intel® NetStructure™ 1300 Series Appliance
Web-based interface
Installing new software
The appliance will detect when a new version of a software package is available
from a secure Intel server. You can then install the updated software package
directly from the Web-based interface.
After running the First Boot Wizard, it's possible to use the supplied serial cable
to configure the appliance using the front or back COM port in conjunction with a
terminal emulator. Refer to the table below for pin-outs.
COM port 1 provides login access and can be used to view the appliance boot
process. COM port 2 access is enabled after the appliance has been configured
and only provides login access. It is recommended that you connect to COM port
1 and wait for the Login prompt before entering any data. The settings for both
COM ports are as follows:
Baud rate: 19.2K
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: hardware