40 IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — August 2005
Demo Details
The threads are created as follows:
1. The first (main) thread is created by the demo application to get the keyboard input.
2. The second thread is an SRL thread, created as a result of the demo application calling
PDLsr_enblhdlr( ). All Global Call events are received through the SRL.
5.4 InitializationThis section describes the IP Media Server (Global Call) demo initialization as shown in Figure 5.
A system is started in the following sequence:
1. The application creates CConfig( ) to parse the configuration file.
2. The application creates CEventRouter( ) to start the Event Router, which, in turn, starts the IP
module and the Voice module. When a module is started, it initializes its boards, devices and
state machines.
After all the modules are started, the EventRouter starts to build a static routing table that maps
voice devices to IP devices. It is important that each IP device has a dedicated voice resource, so
that when an IP channel is connected (an incoming call is answered) the user can get a voice
prompt immediately.
If the initialization should fails, the application shuts down. The shutdown sequence is the reverse
of the initialization sequence.