IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — August 2005 7
Revision History

This revision history summarizes the changes made in each published version of this document.

Document No. Publication Date Description of Revisions
05-2065-003 August 2005 Globally added Linux-specific filenames, paths, and commands.
Globally updated paths to use environment variables for installation base directory.
Demo Description chapter: Added note about channel density and numbering
Editing the IPMediaServer.cfg Configuration File section: Updated descriptions of
QoS attributes to match IPML API Reference. Updated sample config file.
Using the Media Server section: Added CSP Barge-in to Main Menu listing.
Corrected description of CSP Prompt.
Demo Voice Menu Flowchart figure: Corrected description of CSP Prompt.
05-2065-002 November 2003 Removed all references to fax, which is not supported in System Release version of
05-2065-001 September 2003 Initial version of document.