Parts Catalog Usage Guide
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This catalog contains service parts for Form No.
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Throughoutbottom of thethispagecatalogor belowyou willspecifiednoticechartsletters. to draw your attention to specific footnotes which are located at the Examples:
The measurements for the hardware will be listed as follows: |
| ||
| Screws, Bolts | Diameter X Thread Count/Pitch X Length |
| Washers | Inside Diameter X Outside Diameter X Thickness |
| Spacers | Inside Diameter X Outside Diameter X Length |
For your convenience, we have supplied an area for you to list your Invacare Representatives. | |||
| Name | Phone Numbers |
©2008 Invacare Corporation. Elyria, Ohio. Invacare, Yes, you can., the Medallion Design, Pronto, and SureStep are registered trademarks and Formula,
MKIV, MK5, NX, SPJ, M50, M51, and M61 are trademarks of Invacare Corporation.
Form No.
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