Parts Catalog Usage Guide
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This catalog contains service parts for Form No.
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Throughoutbottom of thethispagecatalogor belowyou willspecifiednoticechartsletters. to draw your attention to specific footnotes which are located at the Examples:
The measurements for the hardware will be listed as follows: |
| ||
| Screws, Bolts | Diameter X Thread Count/Pitch X Length |
| Washers | Inside Diameter X Outside Diameter X Thickness |
| Spacers | Inside Diameter X Outside Diameter X Length |
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| Name | Phone Numbers |
©2008 Invacare Corporation. Elyria, Ohio. Invacare, Yes, you can., the Blue Medallion Design, and Arrow are registered trademarks. Ranger X and Ranger II
are trademarks of Invacare Corporation. Otto Bock is a registered trademark of Otto Bock Orthopaedische Industrie GMBH & Co.. Tash is a registered trademark of Tash International Inc.. Therafin is a registered trademark of W/R/ Medical Electronics Co.. Bussman is a registered trademark of Cooper Industries. Dynamic is a registered trademark of Dynamic Controls Limited.
Form No.
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