TDX™ Wheelchairs 18 Part No 1143150
Operation Information
Performance adjustments should only be made by professionals of the healthcare field or
persons fully conversant with this process and the driver's capabilities. Incorrect settings
could cause injury to the driver, bystanders, damage to the wheelchair and to
surrounding property.
After the wheelchair has been set-up/adjusted, check to make sure that the wheelchair
performs to the specifications entered during the set-up procedure. If the wheelchair does
NOT perform to specifications, turn the wheelchair Off immediately and reenter set-up
specifications. Repeat this section until the wheelchair performs to specifications.
DO NOT leave the power button On when entering or exiting your wheelchair.
DO NOT attempt to drive over curbs or obstacles greater than 3 inches for TDX 5 and
TDX 4 or greater than 2 inches for TDX 3. Doing so may cause your wheelchair to turn
over and cause bodily harm or damage to the wheelchair. ALWAYS stop before climbing
an obstacle. Approach slowly until casters contact the obstacle. Apply power and the
action of the SureStep feature will lift the casters over the obstacle. Weight is transferred
to the drive wheels providing traction and motor strength to power the wheelchair over
the obstacle.
DO NOT operate on roads, streets or highways.
DO NOT climb, go up or down ramps or traverse slopes greater than 9°.
DO NOT attempt to move up or down an incline with water, ice or oil film.
DO NOT stand on the frame of the wheelchair.
DO determine and establish your particular safety limits by practicing bending, reaching
and transferring activities in the presence of a qualified healthcare professional before
attempting active use of the wheelchair.
DO NOT attempt to reach objects if you have to move forward in your seat.
DO NOT attempt to reach objects if you have to pick them up from the floor by reaching
between your knees.
DO NOT lean over the top of the back upholstery to reach objects behind you, as this may
cause the wheelchair to tip over.
ALWAYS shift your weight in the direction you are turning. DO NOT shift your weight
in the opposite direction of the turn. Shifting your weight in the opposite direction of the
turn may cause the inside drive wheel to lose traction and the wheelchair to tip over.
DO NOT shift your weight or sitting position toward the direction you are reaching as the
wheelchair and/or seating system (if any) may tip over.
DO NOT use an escalator to move a wheelchair between floors. Serious bodily injury may
DO NOT use the footplates as a platform. When getting in or out of the wheelchair, make
sure that the footplates are in the upward position or swing footrests towards the outside
of the wheelchair.
NEVER leave an unoccupied wheelchair unattended on an incline.