MKIV Controller, Programmer and Hardware
NOTE: Gearless/ Brushless motors were made available
NOTE: A - Extension cable to be used for the purpose of testing chairs only.
B - RII retro controller after 4/30/00 and RII joystick #1092610 are direct replacements for joystick/controller #1080723.
CD - ControllerIt is recommendedwithout instructionsthat item 13beforebe ordered4/1/02whenis #1079890a new MKIVand afterquad3/31/02pulse orisRII#1109528controllerasisnotedneededon andthe controlleran E.S.D.decalstrap. kit for the (G/B) controller. Hardware changed 4/12/01.
E - Before 4/1/02. No Longer Available. Use part number 1109540 as a replacement. F - After 3/31/02.
G - Not Shown.
H - Used on torque.
I - Includes items
J - Includes items 4, 7, 8, and 9 along with instruction sheet.
K - May be ordered as an individual part or is included in the "Virtual Service Modem Kit." L - May be ordered as an individual part or is included in the "Virtual Service Software Kit."
O - Thumbscrews are used on the GB Controller motor cable connectors to secure the connection to the motor.
Form No.
To order call toll free