Using Active Syne via Bluetooth
Important Notice: ActiveSync 4.0 needs to be installed prior to installing the IOGEAR Bluetooth software on your PC.
1.Start ActiveSync software on your PC
2.Click on File, then select Connection Settings
3.Check the box for “Allow connections to one of the following:” and make sure the drop down box stays on COM3. Click OK to continue
4.On your Bluetooth enabled PDA phone, go to Start
5.Turn on the Bluetooth
6.Go into the Bluetooth Manager
7.Tab on New, and tab on ActiveSync via Bluetooth
8.Now you will go through the Bluetooth setup process for ActiveSync, click Next to continue
9.The PDA phone will start searching for avail- able devices. Tab on your active PC which has the Bluetooth connection enabled
10.In the next screen, check the box for “Create a shortcut for this connection”, and also check the box for “Use a secure, encrypted connec- tion.”
11.Tab Finish to continue