Bluetooth™ is a
The following applications are supported by Bluetooth™ technology:
•Synchronize your Bluetooth™ PDA with your computer.
•Send your business card to anyone who has a Bluetooth™ device.
•Send or receive files to or from anyone who has a Bluetooth™ enabled device.
•Chat with anyone who has a Bluetooth™ enabled computer.
•Play a
•Send an
•Dial up to the Internet on your computer over your Bluetooth cellular phone.
•Send a fax from your computer over your Bluetooth™ cellular phone.
•A Bluetooth server - these devices provide one or more services, such as access to the Internet, or to other Bluetooth devices.
•A Bluetooth client - these devices use the service(s) provided by Bluetooth servers.
Most Bluetooth devices that can act as both server and client, and can often do both at the same time.