Light Key(): Turns on/off the red LED reading light on the back of the controller.
? Key: For help or extra information.
STOP/0 Key: Stop/Start tracking.
HBX (Handbox) port: connect the HC to MiniTower mount using a 6-wire RJ11 cable.
USB port: connect the HC to a Computer via a USB cable.
3.2. The LCD Screen
The 8401 HC is designed to use for SmartStar-A GOTO mount and telescopes. It can
also be used for iOptron’s equatorial (EQ) mount, such as the SmartStar®-PR GOTO German
Equatorial Mount and the GoToNova® Equatorial Kit, as well as all other AltAzimuth (A/A)
mounts, which include all SmartStar® GOTO mounts and telescopes. It consists of a large 8-line
LCD screen, which displays all the information as shown in Figure 2. The user interface is
simple and easy to learn.
Figure 2. 8401 HC LCD Information Screen
1. GPS Status: when the power is turned on, it shows “GPS ON”, which means a GPS receiver
is connected. When the GPS receiver finds the satellite and receives GPS signal, it shows
“GPS OK”. The “GPS OK” will turn off after few minutes.
2. Slew speed: It has 9 speeds: 1X, 2X, 8X, 16X, 64X, 128X, 256X(1º/sec), 512X(2º/sec),
MAX(4º/sec). Press SPEED key to change it.
3. Tracking speed: It has 4 speeds: Cel (celestial), Sol (Solar), Lun (Lunar), Def (user defined)
4. Altitude of the telescope (zenith is 90º).
5. Azimuth of the telescope (north is 0º, east 90º, south 180º, and west 270º).
6. Local Date and Time: display local time in a format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
7. Mount Type: EQ is equatorial and A/A altazimuth.
8. N/S Hemisphere: display the observation hemisphere.