it means the polar axis of the mount is pointing 7.5” lower and 4.3” to the east to the North Pole.
Pointing error is zero when you power on the mount (unless you “Park Telescope” before
powering off).

6.6.5. Test Anti-backlash

This command tests the backlashes in both R.A. and DEC. The saved numbers will
show in “Set Anti-backlash” menu. However, if no high accuracy is needed or your equatorial
mount is not a high accuracy unit (i.e. the worm gear has different clearance in different
positions), you can omit this procedure.

6.6.6. Polaris Position

Polaris is NOT at the exact point of the Polar Axis. This shows the offset (about 40 min)
between the Polaris and the actual Celestial Pole (Polar Axis), as well as the direction of the
Polaris to the Polar Axis at the observing location.

6.7. PEC Option
Not supported.
6.8. Set Up Tracking
A user can set up tracking in the main menu by selecting “Set up tracking”. Then the
user can select “Sidereal speed”, “Solar speed”, “Lunar speed”, and “User defined speed”. For
“User defined speed” this can be adjusted from 91% to 109% of sidereal speed by pressing the
or buttons.
6.9. User Object List
Besides various star lists available in the hand controller, users can add, edit or delete
defined objects. All data you enter is supposedly J2000.0 epoch.

6.10. Auto Guide
This function is not supported in Alt/Azi mode.
6.11. Park Scope
This procedure only needs to be done if you do not move your telescope mount after you
power off the GoToNova. Celestial pole pointing error will be stored to flash memory and
recalled when you power on again.
6.12. To Park Position
This moves your telescope to park position. When power is turned on, the mount
assumes the physical position is the park position. This is its reference point for all other objects.