Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Procedure Guide, R7.0
November 2005
AppendixA CTC Information and Shortcuts
Manage the CTC Window
View Go To Previous View Displays th e previous CTC view.
Go To Next View Displays the next CTC view. Available only after you navigate to a previous
view. Go to Previous View and Go to Next View are similar to forward and
backward navigation in a web browser.
Go To Parent View References the CTC view hierarchy: network view, node view, and card view. In
card view, this command opens the node view; in node view, the command opens
network view. Not available in network view.
Go To Selected
Object View
Displays the object selected in the CTC window.
Go To Home View Displays the login node in node view.
Go To Network View Displays the network view.
Go To Other Node Displays a dialog box allowing you to enter the node name or IP address of a
network node that you want to view.
Show Status Bar Click this item to show or hide the status bar at the bottom of the CTC window.
Show Tool Bar Click this item to show or hide the CTC toolbar.
(Toolbar only) Zooms out the network view area.
(Toolbar only) Zooms in the network view area.
(Toolbar only) Zooms in a selected network view area.
TableA-3 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options (continued)
Menu Menu Option Toolbar Description