




This Data Sheet Includes Information On













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Product Model Number (s):






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Built-In Electric Warming Drawer:




















Additional Information:



























Drawer Front Options (5):









JWD7130CDW: Curved Glass White Drawer Front. The distance from the cabinet face to the front edge of the drawer handle when drawer is OPEN: 25 1/4".

JWD7130CDS: Curved Glass Stainless Drawer Front. The distance from the cabinet face to the front edge of the drawer handle when drawer is OPEN: 25 1/4".

JWD7130CDB: Curved Glass Black Drawer Front. The distance from the cabinet face to the front edge of the drawer handle when drawer is OPEN: 25 1/4".

JWD7130CDP: Pro Style Stainless steel drawer front. The distance from the cabinet face to the front edge of the drawer handle when drawer is OPEN: 27 7/16".

JWD7130CDK: Kit for installing custom panel. When using kit, installation of a custom handle is required (purchase custom panel and handle separately) Custom panel size is 29 7/8" wide by 10 1/2" high. The edges of the custom panel must be finished.


DRAWERPANS : (purchase separate) Five commercial pans with lids sized to exactly fit drawer.

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