5.) Use the DISC SKIP button or one of the three DISC buttons to select the disc containing the next track you wish to program. Example: Disc 3.

6.) Press the or buttons to select the next track you wish to program. Example: Track 18.

7.) Press the PROGRAM button again to store the desired disc and track into memory location Number "02".

Repeat the above procedure until you have stored up to 32 tracks in the program memory.

After all your desired tracks are programmed you may press the PROGRAM button to reconfirm that the information has been stored correctly.

8.) Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to begin programmed playback. Playback will start at the first disc and track which you have programmed and will continue until all programmed discs and tracks (up to a total of 32) have been played.

9.) Press￿the￿PROGRAM￿button￿and￿then￿press￿the￿PLAY/PAUSE￿￿￿￿￿￿button￿if you￿want￿to￿listen￿the￿programmed￿tracks￿again.

NOTE: If you press the or buttons during programmed playback, the player will skip forward or backward to the next track and disc which you have programmed, but not the next track in￿sequence￿of the disc which is being played.


If￿the￿disc￿is￿playing,￿press￿the￿STOP button￿to￿stop￿the￿discs. Then￿press

the￿PROGRAM￿button￿and￿then￿press￿the￿STOP button￿again,￿switch￿the FUNCTION￿selector￿to￿other￿position,￿or￿turn￿power￿"Off"￿to￿clear￿the￿program memory.

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Jensen JMC-1000 manual To Clear the Program Memory