Jensen JMC-1000 manual INTRO Scan On Front Panel Only

Models: JMC-1000

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INTRO Scan  On Front Panel Only

INTRO Scan Manual background On Front Panel OnlyManual background

The Intro Scan feature lets you hear a 10 second introduction of each track on each disc. This feature is useful if you are trying to find a particular song but you do not know the title.

1.) Press the INTRO button once. The "INTRO" and "ALL DISC" Indicators appear in the display. The CD player will begin playing Track 1 of the disc in the play position. After 10 seconds it will advance to Track 2, and so on, until it has played the first 10 seconds of every track. Then it continues to next disc until all discs has been played.


2.) To cancel Intro Scan and resume normal playback, press the INTRO button again. The INTRO Indicator disappears.


1.￿￿Because￿of￿non-standardized￿format￿definition/production￿of￿CD-R/RW, playback￿quality￿and￿performance￿are￿not￿guaranteed.

2.￿￿Manufacturer￿is￿not￿responsible￿for￿playability￿of￿CD-R/RW￿due￿to￿recording conditions￿such￿as￿PC￿performance,￿writing￿software,￿media￿ability,￿etc.

3.￿￿Do￿not￿attach￿a￿label￿or￿seal￿to￿either￿side￿of￿CD-R/RW￿disc.￿It￿may￿cause a￿malfunction.

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Jensen JMC-1000 manual INTRO Scan On Front Panel Only