If you do not want to change another button, turn the dial
until the display shows EXIT and push the Rotary Dial: READY.
Example 2:
Re-program the Cappuccino button to: 3.5 oz. of coffee, strong,
milk for 20 seconds, temperature stays at HIGH.
1. Push the Rotary Dial until the display shows RINSE.
2. Turn the Rotary Dial to BUTTONS and push the RotaryDial.
The display shows SELECT BUTTON.
3. Push the CAPPUCCINO button. The display shows MILK.
4. Push the Rotary Dial, 14 SEC,and turn the dial until the
display shows 20 SEC.
5. Push the Rotary Dial to confirm: OK then MILK.
6. Turn the Rotary Dial until display shows WATER(here it
stands for coffee volume) and push the Dial, 2.0 OZ.
7. Turn the Rotary Dial until the display shows 3.5 OZand push
to confirm, OK then WATER.
8. Turn the Rotary Dial until the display shows STRENGTH and
push the Dial, NORMAL.
9. Turn the Dial until the display shows STRONGand push the
Dial, OK,then STRENGTH.
10. Turnthe RotaryDial until the display shows EXIT and push
the dial. BUTTONS.
If you do not want to change another button, turnthe dial until
the display shows again EXIT and push the Dial: READY.
In the same way you can change the Espresso, the Milk and the
Hot Water button.
You can reset the beverage buttons back to the factory setting
as follows:
The machine is plugged in. Only the main power switch in the
back of the machine is on. The display is blank.
Example:reset the Espresso button.
• Open the cover of the Rotary Dial.
• Push and hold the Rotary Dial and then push the Espresso
button for two seconds. The display shows OK.
The factorysetting (chapter 5) has been restored.
You can set the machine to two different modes.
SAVE – The C9 OT is always ready to brew coffee and dispense
hot water. The C9 OT heats up for steaming/frothing for milk or
when preparing cappuccino.
SAVE Approx. 5 minutes after the last beverage was made,
the C9 OT switches to energy saving mode. When making coffee
at a later time, the C9 OT will first heat up for 5 to 30 seconds.
Setting the time allows you to program an "auto-on" time.
Example:Set the time to 7:15 AM.
Push the RotaryDial until the display shows RINSE.
Turn the Dial until the display shows TIME,push the Dial --.--.
Turn the Dial to select the hours 7:00 AM and push to confirm.
Now turn the Dial to set the minutes: 7:15 AM.
Push the Dial to confirm. OK,then TIME.
Turn Dial to EXIT and push to get back to READY.