JVC AV-21CN14 specifications Additional preparation, Troubleshooting, Rear of the TV

Models: AV-21CN14

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Additional preparation

The illustrations shown in this section are for AV-21CN14 only, which are used for explanation purposes. Your TV may not look exactly the same as the illustration.

Before connecting

Read the manuals provided with the devices for the proper connection.

Turn off all the devices including the TV.

Note that connecting cables are not supplied.

Front ￿of￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿the￿￿￿





Camcorder or TV game

Headphones￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿

Rear of the TV

VCR (for playing)

￿￿￿￿￿(Composite signals)

￿￿￿￿￿DVD player

VCR (for recording)


If a problem occurs when you are using the TV, check the following troubleshooting guide before calling for repair.

No picture,

• Deactivate the BLUE BACK function

no sound

if it is turned on.

Snowy picture

• Check the antenna cable and its


connection with the TV.

Stripes appear

• Interference occurs caused by other

on the picture

devices such as an amplifier,


personal computer, or a hair drier.


Move such devices away from your




• Interference occurs caused by

(ghosting) occur

signal reflecting from mountains or


building. Try to adjust the antenna


direction or use a better directional-


ity antenna.

Poor picture

• Choose the appropriate color


system. Refer to “COLOR SYSTEM”


on page 8.


• Adjust the COLOR or BRIGHT


setting. Refer to “Adjusting the


picture - USER” on page 8.

White and bright

• Inevitable phenomenon due to the

still image look as

nature of the picture tube. This is

if it were colored

not a malfunction.

Top of the image

• This is due to the condition of the

from software

video signal whereby the image

products or video

was not recorded properly.

tape is distorted

This is not a malfunction.

Cannot operate the• The batteries may be exhausted.

remote control

Replace with new batteries (see


page 6).


• Ensure that you are operating the


remote less than seven meters from


the front of your TV.

Cannot operate the• Press TV/VIDEO button to return to


TV mode and try operating the



Cannot operate the• Deactivate the CHILD LOCK

front control

function if it is turned on (see page



TV turns off

• This may due to the AUTO SHUT


OFF function is activated. Press the


POWER button to turn on the TV.

Color patches

• This may due to a magnetized

appear at the

device such as a speaker near to

corner of the

your TV. Keep the device apart


from your TV. Alternately, you can


also use the magnetically shielded



Image takes a

• A short periode of time is required

short period to be

to stabilize the image.


This is not a malfunction.

TV emits a

• This is due to a sudden change in

crackling sound

temperature and it is not a


malfunction. If the crackling sound


is too frequent, request your service


technician for inspection.

Feel a slight

• This is due to the static electricity

electric shock

of the picture tube and it will not

when touching the

harm the human body. This is not a

TV screen



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JVC AV-21CN14 specifications Additional preparation, Troubleshooting, Rear of the TV

AV-21CN14 specifications

The JVC AV-20NN14, AV-21YN14, AV-14FN14, and AV-21CN14 are part of JVC's acclaimed lineup of CRT televisions that garnered popularity in the late 20th century. Known for their robust performance and vivid picture quality, these models exemplify JVC's commitment to delivering an exceptional viewing experience.

One of the standout features across these models is their use of advanced CRT technology, which allows for deep blacks and vibrant colors. The phosphor blends in these tubes produce a wider color gamut, providing lifelike images that enhance the viewing experience. The AV-21YN14, for instance, integrates a 21-inch screen, offering a generous viewing area suitable for immersive watching of movies and shows.

These televisions are also equipped with various input options to ensure compatibility with multiple devices. Multiple composite inputs and RF connections allow users to easily connect DVD players, gaming consoles, and VCRs. The AV-14FN14 model takes connectivity a step further with its inclusion of S-Video input, resulting in improved image quality for compatible devices.

The user interface is designed to be intuitive, featuring straightforward controls and a remote for easy operation. This user-friendly aspect enhances accessibility for all users, including those less familiar with technology. In addition, these models boast built-in audio systems that deliver clear sound quality, complementing the visual experience.

Another notable characteristic is the durability of these televisions. Built with robust casing and high-quality components, they are designed to withstand regular use and aged gracefully, often lasting well beyond their expected lifespan. The technology employed in these units minimizes screen burn and ensures long-term performance.

Energy efficiency is a priority in the design of JVC's televisions, with the AV-20NN14 and AV-21CN14 models consuming less power than many of their contemporaries. This focus on sustainability maximizes performance while reducing energy costs for consumers.

In summary, the JVC AV-20NN14, AV-21YN14, AV-14FN14, and AV-21CN14 stand out in the CRT television market due to their exceptional image quality, versatile connectivity options, user-friendly features, durability, and energy efficiency. Each model represents a blend of technology and functionality that appeals to a wide range of viewers, ensuring a satisfying home entertainment experience.