
To get the best performance from the unit, keep your discs, tapes, and mechanism clean.

Cleaning the unit

Handling cassette tapes


Stains on the unit

Should be wiped off with a soft cloth. If the unit is heavily stained, wipe it with a cloth soaked in water-diluted neutral detergent and wrung well, then wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Since the unit may deteriorate in quality, become damaged or have its paint peel, be careful about the following.

—DO NOT wipe it with a rough cloth. —DO NOT wipe it strongly.

—DO NOT wipe it with thinner or benzine. —DO NOT apply any volatile substances such as

insecticides to it.

—DO NOT allow any rubber or plastic to remain in contact with it for a long time.

If the tape is loose in its cassette, take up the slack by inserting a pencil in one of the reels and rotating.

If the tape is loose, it may get stretched, cut, or caught in the cassette.

Be careful not to touch the tape surface.

Avoid storing tapes in the following places:

—In dusty places

—In direct sunlight or heat —In moist areas

—On a TV or speaker —Near a magnet