ATypical connections / °“√‡™◊ËÕ¡μËÕ·∫∫ª°μ
Before connecting: Check the wiring in the vehicle carefully. Incorrect connection may cause serious damage to this unit.
The leads of the power cord and those of the connector from the car body may be different in color.
1Connect the colored leads of the power cord in the order specified in the illustration below.
2Connect the antenna cord.
3Finally connect the wiring harness to the unit.
1 μËÕ “¬‰ø μ“¡≈”’ ¥∫∑’Ë√—
3 ÿ¥∑È“¬ μËÕ Ë«π§«∫§ÿ¡°“√‡¥‘𠓬‰ø‡¢È“°∫™ÿ—
Rear ground terminal
®ÿ¥‡™◊ËÕ¡μËÕ “¬¥‘π¥È“πÀ≈ß—
Antenna terminal | Line out (see diagram |
| ) | ||
“¬ÕÕ° (¥Ÿ·ºπ¿Ÿ¡ ) | |||||
¢«È— “¬Õ“°“» |
15 A fuse
ø‘« Ï¢π“¥ 15 A
¥’ ”
Yellow *2
‡À≈◊Õß’ *2
·’ ¥ß
*1 Not supplied for this unit. *1 ‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ—
To metallic body or chassis of the car
μËÕ°∫‚§√ß‚≈À—–À√◊Õ‡™ ´‘ ¢Õß√∂¬πμá
To a live terminal in the fuse block connecting to the car battery (bypassing the ignition switch) (constant 12 V)
To an accessory terminal in the fuse block
μËÕ°∫— ¢«È— «πª√Ë
Ignition switch
Fuse block
*2 Before checking the operation of this unit prior to installation, this lead must be connected, otherwise power cannot be turned on.
*2 °ËÕπ°“√μ√«®
Blue with white stripe
πÈ”‡ß‘π≈“¬’ ¢“«
To the automatic antenna if any (250 mA max.)
To the remote lead of other equipment (200 mA max.)
μËÕ‡¢È“°∫Õª°√≥ÏÕË◊π— (¢π“¥ Ÿß ¸¥ 200 mA)
White with black stripe |
| White | Gray with black stripe |
| Gray | Green with black stripe |
| Green | Purple with black stripe |
| Purple | ||
| ||||||||||||||||||
¢’ “«·∂∫¥” |
| ’¢“« | ‡∑“·∂∫’ | ¥” |
| ’‡∑“ | ‡’¢’¬«·∂∫¥” |
| ‡’¢’¬« | ¡Ë«ß·∂∫’ | ¥” |
| ¡Ë«ß’ | ||||||||||||||||
Left speaker (front) | Right speaker (front) | Left speaker (rear) | Right speaker (rear) |
≈”‚æß´È“¬ (ÀπÈ“) | ≈”‚æߢ«“ (ÀπÈ“) | ≈”‚æß´È“¬ (À≈ß)— | ≈”‚æߢ«“ (À≈ß)— |