Youcanwashlargeritemssuchaspots,roasters,and cookiesheetsinthebottomrackbyremovingthetop rack.See"TopRackLoading"section.
Youcanfolddownonerowoftinesatthebackof the bottomrackinordertoaccommodatelargerdishware.
Keepthistinerowintheupperpositionwhenusingthe TURBOZONETM option.
IMPORTANT: When moving tine row to the flat position, fold only the tine row toward the front of the dishwasher.
Knife Holder
To load knives that are too large for the silverware basket, use the knife holder located on the
Your new silverware basket can be split into three segments.
Removing one section will increase your capacity in the
TURBOZONETM loading area.
You can remove the covered side baskets to place in the top rack for the Top Rack Only option. Use for small
delicate items such as baby bottle caps, nipples and_ZZZ small baking utensils, etc.
Loading Silverware
Use suggested loading patterns, as shown, to better clean your silverware.
Use the slots in the covers to keep your silverware separated for optimum wash. (See illustration, right.)
NOTE: If your silverware does not fit into the designated slots, flip the covers up and mix silverware types to keep them separated. Load knives down, forks up, and alternate spoons as illustrated, for best cleaning results.