Displays (CD-206/DPF-R6010 only)

CD-206/204/203/DPF-R6010/R4010/R3010 (En)

Hereafter the illustration of the common parts


on the front panel is of CD-206/DPF-R6010.












































: Keys and controls used in the operations described on this page.

Selecting the text information display (TEXT DISPLAY)

In the case of a CD-TEXT disc, the displays shown below can be selected.




In the stop mode

When the key is pressed once, the 1 “Disc



Title” is scrolled on the display; when it is



pressed repeatedly, the display is changed.



(This operation cannot be performed in the



PGM mode.)


1 Disc Title

: Disc title


2Disc Artist : Singer (or performer)


: Disc No., track No., time display

÷If the key is released while 2”Disc Artist“ is displayed, 1”Disc Title“ returns to the display.

Disc Title : AB

Scroll display


÷When there is no text information to be displayed “– – – – –”is scrolled on the display.

÷In the case of a non-CD-TEXT disc, the ”NO CD TEXT“ display will appear for approx. 3 seconds.

In the play mode

When the key is pressed once, the 1 “Track



Title” is scrolled on the display; when it is



pressed repeatedly, the display is changed.


1 Track Title

:Track title


2Track Artist :Singer (or performer)

3 Disc Title

:Disc title

4Disc Artist :Singer (or performer)


:Track No., time display

÷If the key is released at any point while 2 ”Track Artist“ to 4 ”Disc Artist“ is displayed, 1 ”Track Title“ returns to the display.

Displaying all the text information (ALL INFO.)

In the case of a CD-TEXT disc, the text information shown below is displayed automatically during normal play (TRACK mode).



Scroll display

Arranger : ABCD

To skip to the next track while the items are being displayed:

Press the ¢ key.

÷The display can be returned to a previous item by pressing the 4 key.

Each item is displayed in turn each time the key is pressed. When the key is repeatedly pressed while an item is being dis- played, the display is forcibly moved to the next item.

1 Disc/Track Title : Disc and track titles

2Disc/Track Artist : Singer (or performer)

3 Disc/Track Songwriter : Songwriter

4 Disc/Track Composer : Composer

5 Disc/Track Arranger

: Arranger

6Disc/Track Message : Message from sponsor or artist

7ID INFO. : Record company, release date, etc.

8Genre INFO. : Genre information

9 ALL INFO. END : (Release)

÷Items from 1 to 6 are displayed in the sequence of disc and track.

÷When there is no text information to be displayed “– – – – –”is scrolled on the display.

÷In the case of a non-CD-TEXT disc, the ”NO CD TEXT“ display will appear for approx. 3 seconds.