Basic section
22:2 R4
Playback of Mini Disc

In regard to the DISPLAY/CHARAC. key

When a title recorded in a CD-TEXT or MD disc is too long
to be displayed in the display, press this key to scroll the
display and view the characters which has not be dis-

With a CD-TEXT or MD disc

Pressing the key during stop scrolls the disc title. Pressing the key during playback scrolls the track
÷When no track name (track title) and no disc name (disc title) has been recorded, “ •••••• ” is displayed.
÷“BLANK DISC” is displayed when not even one track has been recorded. (When there is a disc title, the disc
title will be displayed.)
Each press switches the information.
1Available recording time of MD
2Tape counter display.

During simultaneous MD/Tape recording