8.830MHz #94 Filter
The INRAD #94 filter connects to the RF Board that is located on the radio bottom.
•Remove the shield from the RF Board
•Make careful note of the connections used. This board has many test locations so will not have cables or coax installed. The use of a digital camera would be helpful before proceeding.
•Remove the RF Board and cables as required.
•Remove the stock 3kHz filter – Labeled
•Install a coax at each filter connection point, noting the shield connects to the circuit board ground.
•Install the RF Board.
•Install the shield on the RF Board.
•Solder the coax leads to the #94 filter, noting the shield connects to the filter ground. Either terminal set can be used for input or output.
•Install the filter to the chassis closest to the front panel using thin double stick tape.
Bench testing of the radio showed no circuit tuning was required after installing the new filter.