Fire Safety
• The use of alcohol or drugs may also impair one’s
ability to hear the smoke alarm. For maximum
protection, a smoke alarm should be installed in each
sleeping area on every level of a home.
• Although smoke alarms can help save lives by
providing an early warning of a fire, they are not a
substitute for an insurance policy. Home owners,
landlords and tenants should have adequate insurance
to protect their lives and property.
Good Safety Habits
Develop and practice a plan of escape!
• Install and maintain Fire extinguishers on every level of
the home and in the kitchen, basement and garage. Know
how to use a fire extinguisher prior to an emergency.
• Make a floor plan indicating all doors and windows and
at least two (2) escape routes from each room. Second
story windows may need an escape ladder.
• Have a family meeting and discuss your escape plan,
showing everyone what to do in case of fire.
• Determine a place outside your home where you all can
meet if a fire occurs.
• Familiarize everyone with the sound of the smoke alarm
and train them to leave your home when they hear it.
• Practice a fire drill at least every six months, including fire
drills at night. Ensure that small children hear the alarm
and wake when it sounds. They must wake up in order
to execute the escape plan. Practice allows all occupants
to test your plan before an emergency. You may not be
able to reach your children. It is important they know
what to do.
• Current studies have shown smoke alarms may not awaken
all sleeping individuals, and that it is the responsibility of
individuals in the household that are capable of assisting
others to provide assistance to those who may not be
awakened by the alarm sound, or to those who may be
incapable of safely evacuating the area unassisted.