King Kutter Rotary Mower manual LimitedWarranty, Warranty of Title, No Other Warranties

Models: Rotary Mower

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King Kutter, Inc. (“King Kutter”), P.O. Box 1200, Winfield,Alabama 35594, warrants to the original retail purchaser (“Purchaser”) that the product that is the subject of this sale is free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of sale.

Under this warranty, King Kutter will repair the defective product free of charge to the Purchaser, with either new or usedandreconditionedreplacementparts. Allwarrantyservicewillbeperformedatservicecentersdesignatedby King Kutter. If King Kutter is unable to repair the product to conform to the warranty after a reasonable number of attempts, King Kutter will provide, at its option, one of the following: (a) a replacement for the product or, (b) a full refundofthepurchaseprice. Repair, replacement,orrefundsarethePurchaser’sEXCLUSIVEremediesagainst King Kutter under this limited warranty. King Kutter will not be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damagesbaseduponbreachorwarranty,breachofcontract,negligence,stricttortliability,oranyotherlegaltheory. Suchdamagesinclude,butarenotlimitedto,lossofprofits,lossofsavingsorrevenue,lossofuseoftheproductor any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of any substitute equipment, facilities or services, down time, the claimsofthirdpartiesincludingcustomers,andinjurytoproperty. Theselimitationsalsoapply,totheextentallowed bylaw,topersonalinjury.

ThepurchasermustnotifytheSellerinwritingofanydefectinmaterialorworkmanshipwithinone(1)yearfollowing the date of purchase. If the equipment is used for commercial purposes, the Purchaser must notify the Seller in writingofanydefectinmaterialorworkmanshipwithinninety(90)daysfollowingthedateofpurchase. Innoeventwill King Kutter be liable under this warranty unless written notice is received by the Seller within one (1) year from the date of original retail sale.

2. Warranty of Title.

KingKutterwarrantsthatittransfersagoodtitletotheproductfreeofanyencumbrances,andfreeoftherightfulclaim ofanythirdpartyforinfringementofpatentorcopyright.

3. What is Not Covered by This Limited Warranty.

KingKutterwillnotberesponsiblefordamagetoorfailureintheproductwhichresultsfromaccident,misuse,abuse, neglect,installationofattachmentsnotprovidedbyKingKutter,modificationstotheproduct,ordamagecausedby use of the product for purposes other than those for which it was designed.

4. No Other Warranties.

Unless modified in writing and signed by both parties, this agreement is understood to be the complete and exclu- sive agreement and warranty between King Kutter and Purchaser, superseding all prior agreements, oral and written,andallothercommunicationbetweenKingKutterandPurchaserrelatedtothesubjectmatterofthisagree- ment.


5.Allocation of Risk.

This agreement allocates the risk of product failure between King Kutter and the Purchaser. This Allocation is recognized by both parties as reflected in the price of the goods. The Purchaser acknowledges that he or she has read this agreement, understands it, and is bound by its terms.

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King Kutter Rotary Mower manual LimitedWarranty, Warranty of Title, What is Not Covered by This Limited Warranty

Rotary Mower specifications

The King Kutter Rotary Mower stands as a benchmark in the realm of lawn and field maintenance, offering a robust solution for both professional landscapers and avid gardeners. Renowned for its durability and performance, the King Kutter Rotary Mower is designed to tackle the toughest mowing jobs.

One of the primary features of the King Kutter Rotary Mower is its solid construction. Built with heavy-duty materials, the mower can withstand the rigors of continuous use. The mower deck, available in various sizes, is crafted from high-grade steel, ensuring resistance against wear and tear. Additionally, its powder-coat finish protects against corrosion, making it ideal for different weather conditions and terrains.

The mower is powered by a reliable gearbox drive system, which provides efficient power transfer from the tractor to the blades. This technology allows for consistent mowing performance even in tough conditions. The rotary blades are designed for optimal cutting efficiency, ensuring a clean, even cut. Adjustable blade heights give users the flexibility to choose the desired cutting length, accommodating various grass types and conditions.

The King Kutter Rotary Mower also features an innovative chain drive design, which enhances reliability and minimizes maintenance needs. This feature, combined with its easy-to-access grease fittings, allows users to keep the mower in prime condition with minimal effort.

Safety is another paramount characteristic of the King Kutter Rotary Mower. The mower is equipped with a front-mounted shield for protection against flying debris. Moreover, it incorporates a slip clutch that disengages the mower blades in case of obstacles, preventing potential damage to both the mower and the tractor.

Comfort and ease of use are hallmarks of this rotary mower. The mower's design includes a Category 1 hitch, which enables quick and straightforward attachment to a variety of tractors. The adjustable tail wheel provides improved maneuverability, ensuring that users can navigate tight spaces and uneven terrain with ease.

In conclusion, the King Kutter Rotary Mower exemplifies a perfect blend of strength, safety, and versatility. Whether for residential yards or larger agricultural fields, it stands ready to deliver exceptional mowing performance and reliability, making it a preferred choice for outdoor maintenance enthusiasts.