1 tablespoon (15 ml)
fresh dill, without
large stems
1 clove garlic
3⁄4teaspoon (4 ml)
grated lemon peel
1⁄2cup (120 ml) butter
or margarine,
1⁄8teaspoon (0.5 ml)
coarsely ground
Position mini bowl and mini blade in work bowl.
Add dill; process until chopped, 5 to 8 seconds.
With processor running, add garlic and lemon peel.
Process until chopped, 5 to 10 seconds. Scrape
down sides; add butter and pepper. Process until
thoroughly mixed, 10 to 20 seconds. Use to baste
fish, chicken, or seafood or to spread on warm
Yield: 8 servings (1 tablespoon [15 ml] per serving).
Per serving: About 100 cal, 0 g pro, 0 g carb, 11 g
total fat, 7 g sat fat, 30 mg chol, 90 mg sod.
Lemony Garlic Dill Butter1⁄2cup (120 ml) butter
or margarine,
1tablespoon (15 ml)
walnuts, toasted if
1-2 tablespoons
(15-30 ml) pure
maple syrup
Position mini bowl and mini blade in work bowl.
Add all ingredients. Process until thoroughly mixed,
10 to 20 seconds. Serve on warm biscuits,
pancakes, and bagels.
Yield: 8 servings (1 tablespoon [15 ml] per serving).
Per serving: About 110 cal, 0 g pro, 2 g carb, 12 g
total fat, 7 g sat fat, 30 mg chol, 90 mg sod.
Maple Nut Butter