Cooking tableFood
Dishes or type of
Power level and cooking status
First stage Power Second stage Power
Pasta, rice
Fresh pasta Heating the water Booster - 9 Cooking the pasta and
maintaining the boil 7-8
Dry pasta Heating the water Booster - 9 Cooking the pasta and
maintaining the boil 7-8
Boiled rice Heating the water Booster - 9 Cooking the rice and
maintaining the boil 5-6
Risotto Sautéing and roasting 7-8 Maintaining the right
cooking temperature 4-5
Boiled Heating the water Booster - 9 Cooking 6-7
Fried Heating the oil 9Frying 8-9
Sautéed Heating the accessory 7-8 Cooking the food 6-7
Stewed Heating the accessory 7-8 Cooking and maintaining
the temperature 3-4
Light fried Heating the accessory 7-8 Browning the food 7-8
Browning the meat with
oil (if with butter power
level 6)
7-8 Cooking 3-4
Grilled Preheating the pan 7-8 Grilling on both sides 7-8
Browned Browning with oil (if with
butter power level 6) 7-8 Cooking 4-5
Stewed Browning with oil (if with
butter power level 6) 7-8 Cooking and maintaining
the temperature 3-4