Cooking tableFood
Dishes or type of
Power level and cooking status
First stage Power Second stage Power
Grilled Preheating the grill 7-8 Cooking on both sides 7-8
Stewed Browning with oil (if with
butter power level 6) 7-8 Cooking and maintaining
the temperature 3-4
Fried Heating the oil or fatty
matter 8-9 Frying, browning 7-8
Frittata Heating the pan with
butter or fatty matter 6Cooking on both sides 6-7
Omelettes Heating the pan with
butter or fatty matter 6Cooking 5-6
Soft/hard-boiled Heating the water Booster - 9 Cooking 5-6
Pancake s Heating the pan with
butter 6Cooking on both sides 6-7
Tomato Browning with oil (if with
butter power level 6) 6-7 Cooking 3-4
Ragu Browning with oil (if with
butter power level 6) 6-7 Cooking, mantaining a
light boil 3-4
Béchamel Preparing the base (melt
butter and add flour) 5-6 Bring to and maintain a
light boil 3-4
Pastry cream Bring the milk to the boil 4-5 Bring to the desired
consistency 4-5
Puddings Bring the milk to the boil 4-5 Bring to the desired
consistency 2-3
Rice in milk Heat the milk 5-6 Cooking 2-3