Email Server Settings — found under the Settings button in the Configuration Organizer or Administration GUI.
Parameter Name | Description/Sample | Your Setting | Notes |
SMTP Settings |
• Server Address | Fully qualified domain name or |
| Use IPv4 to eliminate any DNS issues |
| IPv4 address of the SMTP server |
| when troubleshooting. |
| (e.g., |
| company.com or |
• Credentials | User name, password and network |
| Required for authenticated SMTP. |
| domain. Required to access the |
| NOTE: This is not necessarily the |
| SMTP server. |
| same as the credentials defined |
| under Device Settings. |
• Port | Default: 25 |
| Only change if your email server |
| communicates on an IP port that is |
| not Port 25. |
• SSL | Secure Socket Layer |
| Typically unchecked. Check only if |
| you are sure your email server |
| requires it. |
LDAP Settings |
• Server Address | Fully qualified domain name or |
| Use IPv4 to eliminate any DNS issues |
| IPv4 address of the LDAP server |
| when troubleshooting. |
| (e.g., |
| company.com or |
• Credentials | User name, password and network |
| Required for authenticated LDAP. |
| domain. Required to access the |
| NOTE: This is not necessarily the |
| LDAP server. |
| same as the credentials defined |
| under Device Settings. |
• Port | Default: 389 |
| Only change if your LDAP server |
| communicates on an IP port that is |
| not Port 389. |
• Base DN | Base Distinguished Name |
| Contact your corporate LAN |
| administrator for more details on this |
| setting. |
• Common Name | Default: cn |
| Contact your corporate LAN |
Tag |
| administrator for more details on this |
| setting. |
• Email Address | Default: email |
| Contact your corporate LAN |
Tag |
| administrator for more details on this |
| setting. |
Return Email | This is the address that bounced |
| Select a person who will receive |
Address | emails are returned to (e.g., |
| notification that an email address |
| bounce@company.com). This |
| could not be reached. |
| address will also appear as the |
| “From” address when sending |
| email. |
Maximum |
| Email operations that create files | |
Attachment Size | Default: 10 MB |
| larger than this will fail. This should |
| match the limitations defined by |
| your email server. |
Custom Email | Enables/disables the custom Email |
| Typically enabled; may be disabled in |
Addresses | address option, allowing the entry |
| more secure environments. |
| of email addresses that do not |
| appear in your address book. |
January 2008 |