Aberdeenshire Council ASPECTS Training
Education & Recreation Kodak DX4330 Digital Camera D32
G Bruce, 2003
4. Turn the ‘Mode Dial’ to ‘Auto’
This sets the type of pictures you’re going to be taking. It also switches
the camera off and on. For most pictures, set it at ‘Auto’ and it will be
Set this dial to ‘Auto’.
Note that the lens automatically comes out as you do this and if you have
left the lens cap on, it will pop off! It won’t do the camera any harm, but
it might startle you!
Lens opens automatically – watch out!
You will also notice that the screen on the back of the camera lights up
and tells you what conditions you have set the camera for. If you like, you
can take a minute to experiment with the other settings of the ‘Mode
Dial’. It will tell you on the screen what they are for – pretty
straightforward, really! Leave it at ‘Auto’ until you are familiar with the
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