safe mode, 41 safety, 52 SD/SDHC Card
inserting, 6 printing from, 44
search pictures, 23
select multiple pictures/videos, 31
self-timer, 17 setting
about this camera, 41 auto focus, 40 camera sounds, 40 computer connection, 41 date and time, 5 format, 41
language, 40
LCD brightness, 40 long time exposure, 39 picture size, 40
slide show, 40 tag people, 40
setting up the camera, 1 settings
picture, video size, 40 Share, 39
settings menu, 39 Share settings, 39 shutter
problems, 45
single frame, 30
slide show settings, 40 smart find, 23
social networks, 33 software
upgrading, 51 software downloader, 42 sounds, 40 specifications, camera, 49 strap, 1
tag people setting, 40 tagging
keywords, 37 people, faces, 35
taking pictures, videos, 7 television, slide show, 32 thumbnail view, 22 time, setting, 5
timer, shutter delay, 17 tinting a picture, 26 tips
battery guidelines, 53 care & maintenance, 51
transfer pictures, 42 trash can, deleting, 7 trimming a video, 28 troubleshooting, 45 turning camera on and off, 5 typing, 37