A/V out, 32
about this camera, 41 accessories
battery, 53 buying, 48 SD/SDHC Card, 6
action print, 30
add keywords, names, 37 adding a border, 25
AF control, 40 auto
focus control, 40 focus framing marks, 7
backlight, 14 battery
charging, 2 expected life, 53 icons, 10 loading, 1 types, 53
beach, 14 brightness, LCD, 11 burst, 17
button Delete, 21 Display, 8 Mode, 14 Review, 39 Share, 33
Telephoto/Zoom, 12
C cable
audio/video, 32 Camera Setup App, 42 camera sounds, 40 Canadian compliance, 56 care and maintenance, 51 charging
battery icon, 10 external charger, 3 internal charger, 2 USB, 4
charging the battery, 2 children, 14
clock, setting, 5 computer
connect camera, 42 transfer to, 42
computer connection, 40 connector, USB / A/V, 32 copy pictures
to computer, 42 cropping pictures, 27
date setting, 5 Delete button, 21 deleting
from internal memory, 21 from SD/SDHC Card, 21