You can listen to a recor- ded phone conference on your Konftel 300 or a computer using an SD memory card reader. Recordings are saved in wav format and can be played back on your choice of media player.
Start recording
During a call, press the REC/C key and press OK to confirm.
The recording symbol flashes on the display screen.
End recording
Press the REC/C key for two seconds and press OK to confirm.
The recording symbol is no longer displayed on the screen.
Mute function
(Mute) during a call to turn off the microphone.
The LEDs change from blue to red.
The other party cannot hear what you are say- ing and only the called party is recorded.
Listening to a recording
Mark the folder you want (date) and press OK to confirm.
A list of all recordings for the specified date is displayed. Names, date, time and length are displayed for each recording.
Mark the recording you want and start the playback by pressing OK.
Pause playback
Pause the playback by pressing OK.
Restart playback by pressing OK again.
Move forward in the recording dur- ing playback
Move forward in the recording by press- ing arrow down or backward by pressing arrow up.
The recording advances about 10 sec- onds every time you press the key.
Stop playback
Stop the playback by pressing C.