1Copying to camera memory.
2Change card.
3Copying to memory card.
4Copying completed.
When the image(s) to be copied or converted to an e-mail file are selected, a screen with four messages is displayed. The messages are highlighted during the copying procedure.
When the change-card message is highlighted, remove the cam- era’s memory card and insert the card to which the image should be copied. Press the central button of the controller to continue or the menu button to cancel the copy operation.
After the copy-completed message is highlighted, a new screen will appear to indicate the name of the new folder containing the copied images; press the central button of the controller to return to the menu. If two files with identical names are selected to be copied, two consecutive folders will be creates to contain them.
The copy-unsuccessful message will appear when one or all of the images could not be copied. Check the second memory card to see which files were copied and then repeat the procedure for the images that were not transferred.