PORTRAIT - optimized to reproduce soft skin tones and a slight defocusing of the background. The flash mode can be changed (p. 30).

Most portraits look best at a telephoto setting; longer focal lengths do not exaggerate facial features and the shallower depth of field softens the background.

LANDSCAPE - optimized to produce sharp, colourful landscapes. The flash mode is set to flash cancel. Fill-flash can be used (p. 30).

NIGHT PORTRAIT - for deep, subtle night scenes. When used with fill-flash, the subject and background exposures are balanced.

When taking pictures of a landscape at night, use a tripod to eliminate blurring from camera shake. To take portraits with night

scenes, set the flash mode to fill-flash (p. 30). Ask your subject not to move after the flash burst; the

shutter will still be open for the background exposure.

TEXT - for the crisp reproduction of black text on white backgrounds. The flash mode is set to flash cancel (p. 30). Fill-flash can be used.

Use a tripod to eliminate camera shake and ensure the sharpest images.

MACRO & TEXT - for close-up images of text between 16cm to 60cm from the CCD. Two pointers will indicate the combined modes on the data panel and both the macro and text icons will be displayed on the LCD monitor.

• Use a tripod to ensure the sharpest images.