Image quality, 54, 68 Image size, 54, 68 Lock, 79

Index print, 87 Instant playback, 93 ISO, 64 Language, 19, 94 Lock, 79

M mode, 38 Macro, 35 Main switch, 17 Manual focus, 59 Manual mode, 38 Memory card

Care and storage, 124 Changing, 16 Format, 78 Write-protect switch, 124

Menus PictBridge, 116 Playback, 74-75 Recording, 44-45 Setup, 89-91

Metering modes, 63 Monitor

Brightness, 28, 92 Care and storage, 123


Capturing movie frames, 73 Editing, 80

File size, 68 Movie mode, 69 Recording, 40

Multi-segment metering, 63 Noise reduction, 39

P mode, 36 PictBridge, 114 Playback

Basic, 30

Deleting, 31

Enlarged, 33 Index, 32

Instant playback, 93 Movie, 72 Rotating, 31

Preset white balance, 60 Program mode, 36 Progressive capture, 50 QuickTime, 126 Red-eye reduction, 26 Reset default, 97

S mode, 37 Self-timer, 47, 101 Sensitivity, 64 Sharpness, 66 Shutter priority mode, 37 Single-shot AF, 58 Slide show, 84

Slow sync., 26 Spot metering, 63 Strap, 12 Super Macro, 35 Television, 88 Thermometer, 57 Transfer

Connecting, 103 Data-transfer mode, 102 Transfer mode, 100

UHS continuous advance, 48 USB connection, 102 Video output, 100 Wide-Angle Converter, 93 White balance

Automatic, 60 Custom, 61 Preset, 60

Zoom, 20