4.Pattern mode
4.Pattern mode


Set the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. Overtones
higher than the cutoff frequency will be cut, making the
sound more mellow.
If CUTOFF and EG INT are set to 0, you will hear
virtually no sound.


This parameter adds character to the sound by boosting the
region around the cutoff frequency. If you raise the reso-
nance and turn the CUTOFF knob (or adjust EG INT and
DECAY), you will hear the typical "meow-ing" sound typi-
cal of analog synthesizers.
If the resonance is raised, the sound may be distorted de-
pending on the cutoff frequency or on the pitch that you

EG INT (EG intensity) 100...0...100

Specify the depth and direction of the effect that the EG
(envelope generator) will have on the cutoff frequency. The
EG will start when trigger-on occurs (the instant you play
the keyboard). If this knob is in the center position, the EG
will have no effect.
If the gate time length of a step extends beyond the
point at which the next step is sounded, the EG will
not be re-triggered for the next step.

DECAY 0msec...10sec

Specify the time over which the EG will decay. In conjunc-
tion with the CUTOFF and EG INT parameters, this con-
trols the way in which the sound will change over time. If
EG INT is set to a negative () setting, Decay Time can be
used in place of Attack Time.
These parameters adjust the volume level and distortion effect.


Turn distortion on/off. Distortion is an effect that intention-
ally distorts the sound to produce a hard sound even from
a mellow waveform. It is highly effective to raise the reso-
nance and use distortion.


Adjust the volume.
Here you can apply effects to the sound.



The DEPTH and TIME knobs will edit the effect that is se-
lected by TYPE SELECT.

Tempo Delay settings

Set the TYPE SELECT button to TEMPO DELAY, and ad-
just the delay. Delay is an effect that plays back a time-de-
layed version of the original signal, and is also known as
"echo." TEMPO DELAY is a delay that can automatically
synchronize the delay time to the tempo of a pattern. If the
MIDI Clock parameter is set to "Ext" (external), the delay
time can also be synchronized to the clock of an external
device. (Refer to p.39 "Synchronizing the EA-1mk
and an
external MIDI device.")

DEPTH (delay depth)

Adjust the depth of the delay and the amount of feedback
(the number of delay repeats). Rotating the knob toward
the right will increase the level of the delayed sound and
the amount of feedback.
Raising the Depth excessively may cause the sound
to distort.

TIME (delay time) 1/4...8

Set the delay time. Rotating the knob toward the right will
lengthen the delay time.
If you have selected Tempo Delay as the effect type, this
parameter will let you set the tempo in terms of sixteen dif-
ferent multiples of the step: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1, 1.33,
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Depending on the tempo setting, it may be impossible
to set the delay time. In such cases, set the delay time
to half the desired value.

Chorus/Flanger settings

Set the TYPE SELECT button to CHORUS/FLANGER, and
adjust the chorus/flanger. Chorus creates minute differences
in the pitch to produce an ensemble effect, and Flanger adds
a "swooshing" modulation to the sound.

DEPTH (chorus/flanger depth)

Adjust the depth of the chorus/flanger effect. Rotating the
knob toward the right will change from a chorus effect to a
flanger effect.
Raising the depth excessively may cause the sound
to distort.

TIME (LFO rate) 0.2 Hz ... 5,000 Hz

Adjust the LFO speed of the chorus/flanger. Rotating the
knob toward the right will speed up the LFO.