MIDI > Standard MIDI settings
Standard MIDI settingsWhen turning the instrument on, the default MIDI factory
settings of the C-520 are programmed as follows:
Using the C-520 as a multitimbral tone generatorWhen C-520 is controlled from an external MIDI device, it can
work as a 16-part multitimbral tone generator. You can select
a different sound on each of the 16 MIDI channels.
Note: Sounds on the C-520 are set as in the General MIDI (GM)
standard. However, not all sounds of the standard are avail-
1. Use a MIDI cable to connect the C-520’s MIDI IN to the
MIDI OUT of a sequencer etc. As an alternative, connect
the C-520 to a personal computer through the USB port
(see “Installing the Korg USB MIDI Driver” on page 62).
2. Transmit MIDI data from the connected sequencer (or
other device). See “Program Change” on page 60 for in-
structions on how to select a sound using the MIDI Pro-
gram Change message. Program Change reception must
be activated on the C-520 (it is by default).
Read the other devices user’s manual for details on send-
ing Program Change messages.
Program Change
The sounds of the C-520 can be selected via MIDI, by sending
a Program Change message on the channel where you wish to
assign the sound. The “Sounds / Timbres / Klänge / Suoni” ta-
ble on page 277 lists the Program Change numbers corre-
sponding to each C-520 sound.
Transmitting Program Change messages
You can send a MIDI Program Change message to a MIDI de-
vice connected to the C-520 MIDI OUT (or USB port), to
change its sound. When selecting one of the internal sounds of
the C-520 by using the sound selection buttons, a MIDI Pro-
gram Change number will be transmitted on the sound’s
MIDI channel. Program Change numbers are shown in the ta-
ble on page 277.
Receiving Program Change messages
When a Program Change message is received from an external
device on a MIDI channel, the corresponding internal sound
will be selected on the C-520 for that MIDI channel. Program
Change numbers are shown in the table on page 277.
Program Change enable/disable
The C-520 usually receives Program Change data. If you don’t
want to receive (or transmit) them, use the Filter function.
Please remember that to enable full remote program switch-
ing, both the PC and CC filters must be turned off, to allow
transmission of Program Change and Bank Select messages.
See “MIDI Filters” on page 56.
Parameter Setting
Transmission channels (see “MIDI OUT
Channels” on page 55)
01 = Main sound
02 = Layer sound
03 = Left sound
04 = Recorder Part 1
05 = Recorder Part 2
10 = Drum
Reception channel(s) (see “MIDI IN
Channels” on page 54)
All 16 tracks (1-16)
Local (see “Turning the keyboard on or
off (Local Control)” on page 54)
Parameter Setting