IntroductionThank you for purchasing the KP3 KAOSS
PAD dynamic effect/sampler. For trouble-
free enjoyment of the KP3’s fullest poten-
tial, please read this manual carefully and
use the KP3 only as directed.
The KP3 features Korg's KAOSS technol-
ogy, allowing the X-Y touch pad to control
multiple effect parameters in realtime.
Simply touch, tap and/or rub your finger
across the surface of the touch pad. A pro-
tective sheet to preserve the touch pad sur-
face is included.
Internally, the KP3 holds 128 effect pro-
grams, ranging from delays and filters to
vocoders and even synthesizers. Pad Mo-
tion, Hold and Mute features add even
more versatility to the touch pad control.
Your eight favorite programs can be modi-
fied and saved to the Program Memory
buttons for quick access.
Our new FX Release function can auto-
matically provide a delay effect when you
remove your hand from the touch pad,
making it easier to perform smooth transi-
tions during a performance.
In addition, the KP3 is also a sophisticated
sampler. Both Mic and Line inputs are pro-
vided, allowing you to sample from a vari-
ety of audio sources. Resampling allows
you to record the output of the KP3 itself,
as well as to sample incoming signals
through the onboard effects. Both Loop
and One -Shot samples can be recorded
and played from the Sample Bank buttons.
Sample editing tools provide automatic
sample slicing, and the start point of the
loop can be manually adjusted to keep
your samples in sync.
Auto-BPM detect, MIDI Clock and Tap
Tempo keep sample playback speed and
tempo-based effects moving together.
Samples and setting can be saved to Secure
Digital (SD) cards, or saved to a computer
via USB and reloaded quickly. Enjoy your
new KP3!