Parameter guide


These parameters let you make EG (Envelope Generator)
settings to produce time-varying change in the oscillator
pitch, filter, and amp, make LFO settings to produce cyclic
changes in the sound, and make settings for the modulation
sequencer which applies time-varying change to sound
parameters in ways typical of analog sequencers of the past.

5–1: EG1 (Filter),

5–2: EG2 (Amp),

5–3: EG3

Here you can make settings for the EG (Envelope
EG1 is internally connected as the envelope source that
controls the cutoff frequency of filter.
EG2 is internally connected as the envelope source that
controls the volume of the amp.
Note: You can also use virtual patching (VIRTUAL PATCH)
to assign these EGs as envelope sources for other
Here, you can:
Specify the envelope curve.
Select the curve for the decay and release segments of
the envelope.
Make modulation settings.

5–1(2)(3)a: Envelope

These parameters specify how the EG will change over time.
Curve [LogHard…Expo]
Selects the curve for the decay and release segments of the
Attack Time [000…127]
Specifies the time from note-on until the attack level (the
maximum value of the envelope) is reached
Decay Time [000…127]
Specifies the time from when the attack level is reached until
the sustain level is reached.
Sustain Level [000…127]
Specifies the sustain level.
Release Time [000…127]
Specifies the time from note-off until the level reaches 0.

5–1(2)(3)b: EG Level/Time Modulation

Level Velocity Intensity [–63…+63]
This allows the amplitude of the EG to be controlled by the
velocity of the note-on. Greater values allow velocity to have
more of an effect on the amplitude.
With positive (+) settings, When you play softly, the EG
amplitude will decrease; when you play strongly, the EG
amplitude will increase.
With negative (–) settings, When you play strongly, the EG
amplitude will decrease; when you play softly, the EG
amplitude will increase.
Decay/Release Time Keyboard Track [–63…+63]
This allows keyboard tracking to affect the EG’s decay time
and release time. As you increase this value, keyboard
position will make a greater difference in the EG times. The
keyboard position is relative to the C4 key.
With positive (+) settings, EG time parameters will become
shorter as you play above C4, and longer as you play below
With negative (–) settings, EG time parameters will become
shorter as you play below C4, and longer as you play above
Decay/Release Time
Velocity Intensity [–63…+63]
This allows velocity to affect the EG’s decay time and release
time. As you increase this value, velocity will make a greater
difference in the EG times.
With positive (+) settings, EG times will become longer
when you play softly, and will become shorter when you
play strongly.
With negative (–) settings, EG times will become longer
when you play strongly, and will become shorter when you
play softly.
Sustain level
Attack time
Attack level
(Amp Level)
Decay time Release time
Note on Note off
EG Curve Type
Attack Decay Release
1: Log Hard
2: Log Mid
3: Log Soft
4: Linear
5: Expo